
25 November 2012

Battle of the Mannequin Hands!

My fascination with nail art and polish started in January of 2012. After starting a Facebook page, Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest account I figured it was time to get serious and attempt a real blog. So please enjoy the often high pitched, squealing accounts of my adventures in the world of nail art.

For my first ever blog post I decided to go back to basics. Don't get me wrong I love bright colours and will often mix and match a tonne of colours in one mani. However sometimes its nice to strip back and wear a classic chic nude shade. After almost a year of collecting nudes from every brand, I have finally found 2 that are remarkably close to my skin tone and apply well.

First up we have OPI Don't Pretzel My Buttons.  A creme polish from the Germany Collection released in 2012. Opaque in two coats with an excellent formula that is forgiving on application. Its mainly a sandy brown base with mushroom and pink undertones

Secondly we have Deborah Lippman Naked. A sheer nude polish, a sandy brown base with peach undertones. Another excellent formula that applied without streaking. It dried quickly with a high shine finish  My only grumble with this polish is that its a 3 coater. This is 2 coats and there is VNL *gasp* which I am not a massive fan of. However because the polish is quite thin I can't see 3 coats being an issue in terms of drying time and thickness on the nail.

I tend to gravitate towards the OPI for nail art due to its opacity. I used it with multi coloured stamping and its lightness complimented the 3 pink and purple shades, allowing them to stay true to form vs. adding a brown tinge to their original colour. I am sure that both of these polishes will be in high rotation, with the Deborah Lippman being a nice colour for when I have more of a tan in the summer months.

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