
24 September 2013

#31dc2013 - Day 24: Inspired by a book

As I was sitting eating lunch with my husband today I asked him to give me some ideas for a book with a great cover that would translate well into nail art. He loves books and refers to them as "his old friends" so I knew he would pick something great. Straight away he said Clockwork Orange. He grabbed it off the bookshelf enquiring if I was going to use it for the challenge. I nodded and he flipped to a dog eared page and quoted "We can destroy what we have written, but we cannot unwrite it". Perfect!

Today's design features:

  • OPI - Neon Orange (I dont know what the actual name of this polish is sorry, it is really old and the label fell off long ago)
  • Lechat - White
  • Lechat - Black
  • Konad Special polish in white
  • OPI - Black Spotted
  • Glam Polish - Spot the difference

“What I do I do because I like to do.” Well said Anthony Burgess. Until tomorrow....

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