
15 September 2014

#31dc2014 Day 15: Delicate print

I was flipping through my stamping plates looking for a delicate print, something swirly or floral. Nothing was really jumping out at me until I stumbled across an image in my Cici and Sisi collection and it hit me like a train...there's nothing quite as delicate (or deadly!) as a spider's web! 

  • China Glaze - Wait and Sea
  • China Glaze - Sweet Hook
  • China Glaze - For Audrey
  • Barry M - Silver Foil
  • Konad - Black
To create the colour mix I put a few different colours randomly onto a sponge then dabbed the polish on over a white base until I was happy with the coverage. I love how the background came out, its like an early morning sky.

I rolled on the stamped image from different starting points so not every finger looked the same. The web design from the Cici plates (pink collection) is great, I love how its imperfect, just like a real web. The spider image is from Konad plate m82. Don't you just hate it when you accidently walk into a spider's web? For something so delicate its amazing how it can stop you in your tracks! 

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