
20 September 2014

#31dc2014 Day 20: Water Marble

OMG! I did it. I water marbled and I didn't even cry once! These nails are inspired by the fabulous @lilyandjinks. She did a kitty version and they are ridiculously awesome. I am digging the super fly ducklings! 


  • Barry M - Bright Purple
  • China Glaze - Wait and Sea
  • OPI - Angel with a lead foot 

I fully appreciate the skill involved in water marbling and it looks unique and beautiful but gosh it is so messy, I always end up with polish all over myself. It's far from perfect but I am very satisfied with this year's water marble. And to get to the end of it with no tears...BONUS! xx 

1 comment:

  1. Anything with ducks is a winner to me - congrats on a great water marble and cute duckies. This design was meant to be!
