
30 September 2014

#31dc2014 Day 30: Inspired by a tutorial

I can see the light! The light at the end of the challenge tunnel! Only one more mani to go and it will all be over for another year. I look forward to Day 30 and 31 as I get really inspired by the daily themes, tutorials and honouring nails you love. For today's nails I really wanted to try and work on my dry marbling skills. I love swirling polish randomly, I think it looks floaty and gel like. So to challenge myself I decided to try to make an actual dry marble pattern. 

I turned to Youtube for guidance and came across a tutorial by Sveta Sanders Nails. Wow, she is amazingly talented. The video made it look so easy!  It took me a while to find 2 polishes that worked well together. I'm no expert at this technique but I found creally (jelly/cream) polish that has decent opacity seemed to get the best results. I used Picture Polish - Candy and Picture Polish - Mad Magenta. 

I took my first attempt off and totally redid them because the first lot were horrendous. These ones made the cut...just. Go check out Sveta's if you want to see this design done amazingly well. 

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