
4 September 2014

#31dc2014 - Green

Argh! Blingasaurus Rex Attack! This terrifying species of T-Rex lurks in the lush glittery forest, ready to bitch slap you with his painfully short arms and  tear your eyes out with his fabulous long nails! His glittering skin sparklier than a teen vampire in the sun, he throws glitter in the air then runs away to redo his nails! 


  • China Glaze - Running in circles (green glitter)
  • Essie - Absolutely Shore (sage green)
  • I stamped the dino by mixing Konad white with the sage polish. I mix the colours on the plate image with a little paint brush, then scrape it off as normal and stamp away.

This technique is goes by a couple of names; pool nails or mosaic nails. It's done by dripping polish into the wet base colour underneath. 2 thick coats of base colour, then drip little blobs of the other colour with the polish brush. It spreads out into cool little shapes. These nails make me happy XD

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1 comment:

  1. I love the introduction of your post! Rocking green nails! I love them! <3
