
23 September 2014

#31dc2014 Day 23: Inspired by a movie

I can clearly remember the first time that I watched Jurassic Park. It was at the cinema with my Mum and brother and I was about 13 years old. It was all so exciting, dinosaurs coming back to life..I mean come on now...its the stuff of kids dreams! But then it all got terrifyingly real. The ripples in the cup and the tap tap tap of a velociraptors nails on the kitchen bench. Aaaaargh! 

  • Picture Polish - Mad Magenta
  • China Glaze - For Audrey
  • Lime Crime - Lavendairy
  • Zoya - Pippa
These nails were inspired by @nailsalonavarice 

I'm super excited for the Jurassic Park reboot, I hope they don't ruin it. I wonder if Blingasuarus Rex will make an appearance? 


  1. Well blingasaurus Rex doesn't make an appearance she should. Super cool and even with mad magenta still a tiny bit freaky!!

  2. Movies have been the source of entertainment from time unmemorable. These days we consider watching movies as a family bonding time.
