
24 September 2014

#31dc2014 Day 24: Inspired by a book

Not a big fan of this day in the always tests my freehand skills which then leads to mini meltdowns and nail fails. This year I took a different approach and gave freehand the flick in favour of stamping decals. The tutorial for how to create these decals can be found here. The book I chose is The Book of Skulls which is a compilation book of unique skull art and skull collecting. 


  • Zoya - Chyna
  • OPI - Angel with a lead foot
  • China Glaze - Liquid Leather 
Both stamps are from Sugar Bubbles plate SB 009 which is available here. If you love skulls with a girly edge you need this plate. 

The above pic is the front cover and below is one of my fav skulls in the book. Look at that sparkle! Isn't this skull just so!

Here is a pic of the Sugar Bubbles plate. A must have for all skull crazies xx 

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