
26 September 2014

#31dc2014 Day 26: Inspired by a pattern

The end of the challenge is in sight and Im spurring myself along with the thought that soon I'll have my life (and clean nail room) back. Its not that I'm not enjoying the challenge, I really am, but it is very time consuming and I don't get to keep any of the designs for more than a day! Anyway, today's inspiration is a pattern and there are few patterns more recognisable than paisley. 

  • Zoya - Carter (Deliciously rich purple pixie)
  • OPI - Angel with a lead foot 
  • Stamped with some fab new Aussie indie stamping polishes that I will reveal more about at a later date.
The stamping plate is from Bundle Monster 300 series, plate 315 - available here. 

I think these turned out really cool and I'm excited to be able to show you some more of these amazing stamping polishes in the future xx

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