
27 September 2014

#31dc2014 Day 27: Inspired by artwork

Weee bubbles! Everything is better with bubbles! When I was thinking of something for today I went on a mind tangent reminiscing about the types of artwork I learnt how to do at school. One of my fav techniques was bubble painting and I remember many crafty afternoons making invitations and letter writing paper to send to friends (in a distant pre email life). So this was the catalyst to go searching for some bubble art online and I was spoilt for many sparkly colourful bubbles. 

  • OPI - Skull and gloss bones
  • Picture Polish - Mad Magenta
  • China Glaze - Liquid Leather
The stamp is from a Dashica Stamping Collection, plate Dash 7 stamped with Konad Powder Silver. This is the bubble picture that really jumped out at me, I love how the bubbles get smaller in a gradient.

To create these nails I started with a grey base. I sponged on magenta with a little piece of sponge, then repeated the sponging on the tips with black. Add on the bubble stamp and that's it. 

The accent finger looks so dreamy to me, I love how it came out. To create the bubble look I dotted on random blobs of magenta over the black base with a dotting tool. I then used a cotton tip soaked in acetone and placed it in the centre of the dots to spread out the polish and create the bubble "ring" look. To get the bubble shine I added different shades of purple crystals over the bubble rings and applied topcoat over the entire nail.

Man I wish I didn't have to keep taking these off each day! xx 

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